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Mole Removal Services

Our Mole Removal Services

Mole Removal ServicesWith our mole removal services, we strategically place bait in your active mole runs, which typically rids your property of moles within a couple of weeks. We’ll return to re-bait one to two weeks later and inspect the area to look for new activity. We continue to monitor for further action as moles may enter your property from a neighboring plot. This process is repeated until there is no longer active mole damage or moles tunneling in the grass or yard.

Depending on the size of your yard and the area with activity, the Mole Removal Service usually starts at $325 and includes two free follow-up visits. $60 trip fee for each additional visit during the current season.  

You may also want to check out our Rodent Control Services and Exclusion Services.


Moles Damaging the Yard

Mole Removal ServicesIf you have moles destroying your yard, creating piles of dirt, or killing your grass, we can help with mole control. A mole’s diet primarily consists of earthworms, other small invertebrates found in the soil, and nuts. The mole runs are, in reality, “worm traps”; the mole senses when a worm falls into the tunnel and quickly runs along to kill and eat it.

Because their saliva contains a toxin that can paralyze earthworms, moles can store their still-living prey for later consumption. They construct special underground “larders” for this purpose; researchers have discovered them with over a thousand earthworms.

The Best Mole Control Services

We use specialized baits and techniques to counter the mole’s behavior providing the best results for your yard. Don’t be fooled by grub killer, this will eliminate some of the mole’s food sources, but most of its diet is earthworms. If you kill the beneficial earthworms, you will have an unhealthy lawn.


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