Heat Treatment, a Thing of the Past.

With the release of a new powerful product called Aprehend by ConidioTec LLC, heat treatment for bed bugs may be a thing of the past. Prudential Pest Management found out about this new solution and started using the fungal spore soon as it was available in Michigan. Prudential Pest was able to eliminate their automatic follow ups and reduce cost and inconveniences to their customers.

Gary founder of Prudential stated, “We found it to be a 100% effective, even when people did no preparation before treatment”. Considering the effectiveness, reduced cost, and conveniences to the customer this was a win win. Heat treatments are effective at killing bed bug populations if done right with the proper preparation, but it often requires a residual product to protect your living spaces after the heat has dissipated, you often have to stay out of the home for 8 hours or more, and the prep required by the customer can take days to complete properly. With Prudential’s program and Aprehend their is no prep required by the customer, its a 4 hour reentry period, and the product has been proven to be effective up to 3 months.

So with such a powerful solution why isn’t everyone using the spore treatment? Aprehend takes specialized equipment adding upfront cost to companies. It is also very new to the industry and just recently more and more companies have been jumping on board after seeing the positive reviews in networking groups. As the product becomes more widely used companies will be ditching the old heat methods for the more economical efficiency of Aprehend. As of now the internet is saturated with old advice for controlling bed bugs, which often misdirects people with the wrong information as they search for the best control method for these blood suckers.